Archive for the 'Craig W. Hartman' Category

Oakland, Christ the Light katedrális (2008)

Craig W. Hartman, Skidmore Owings & Merrill

Managing the San Francisco-based office of Skidmore Owings & Merrill, which is a brand with pleasant ring, Craig W. Hartman opened up new aesthetic dimensions within the flourishing era of modernity at the turn of the millennium – the cathedral of Oakland refers to forms and symbols with high-standard sensitivity to construction and refined composedness. The construction logic of modern architecture evolves along crystal-clear aesthetics. The materials used include concrete and glass, the hard linear character of which is counteracted by the warmth and softness of wood. Structure is defined by the gente arch of huge wooden struts rising to daring heights from the basic basement walls. The individual structural components of the compact basic forma are demonstrative in the construction evolving in a declaredly symbolic comprehensive form in the ceiling structure. Details of the design highlight the sculpturesque articulation of exposed concrete and the precision of the seams of wooden elements. Tradition present in the symbolic features and the creative force rooted in modern construction aesthetics converge integrally in the actual and spiritual presence of the Christ-image above and behind the altar.
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Peter Zumthor

Hans van der Laan

Rudolf Schwarz

Sigurd Lewerentz

Erik Gunnar Asplund

Dominikus Böhm

Le Cobusier

Oscar Niemeyer

Eladio Dieste

Jørn Oberg Utzon

Juha Ilmari Leiviskä


Álvaro Siza Vieira

Tadao Ando

Mario Botta

John Pawson

Wandel-Hoefer-Lorch & Hirsch

James Turrell és Leslie Elkins

Craig W. Hartman

Heinz Tesar

José Ignacio Linazasóro

Raffaele Cavadini

Matti Sanaksenaho

Meinhard von Gerkan és Volkwin Marg



Andreas Meck

Ulrich Königs

Fátima Fernandes és Michele Cannatá

Athelier Werner Schmidt

Raj Rewal és Frederico Valsassina

Peter és Christian Brückner

Thomas Höller és Georg Klotzner

Pierre-André Simonet és Yvan Chappuis

Certov & Morianz

Franck Hammouténe


Kari Järvinen és Merja Nieminen

Saša Randić és Idis Turato

Gerold Wiederin és Helmut Federle

João Luis Carrilho da Graça

José Fernando Gonçalves

Jensen és Skodvin

Zeinstra van der Pool

Hans Waechter

Peter és Gabriele Riepl

Axel Schultes és Charlotte Frank

Takashi Yamaguchi

Rocha, Paulo Mendes da

João Luis Carrilho da Graça

Tabuenca és Leache

Studio Anselmi

Cino Zucchi

Andreas Meck

Florian Nagler

Francesco Garofalo és Sharon Yoshie Miura

Craig W. Hartman

Eduardo Delgado Orusco


Timo és Tuomo Suomalainen

Heiki és Kaija Siren

Sáenz de Oiza

Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint

Peter Celsing

Bernt Nyberg

Carl Nyrén

Erik Bryggman

Hans Borgström és Bengt Ingmar Lindroos


Csaba László

Vass Zoltán

Makovecz Imre

Csete György

Török Ferenc

Balázs Mihály

Fejérdy Péter

Ferencz István

Nagy Tamás

Pazár Béla

Lengyel István

Czigány Tamás és Páll Anikó

Kocsis József

Benczúr László

Golda János és Madzin Attila

Major György

Krähling János

Basa Péter

Kruppa Gábor

Gereben Gábor és Péter

Szoják Balázs

Sajtos Gábor

Jászay Gergely
